Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Lily and friends:)

Lily the chef

I was banking cookies the other day and Lily so much wanted to help...or eat all the dough. She is such a great helper!

zoo times

Last week Lils and I went to the zoo. We had never been to the Nashville zoo was really nice, we had a blast. We actually went time with our neighbor Lisa and her three kids and again with Lynn and her two kids.
Lily saw giraffes, tigers, meerkats, fish, snakes and spiders, elephants and monkeys. Her favorite though were the waddling ducks and brushing the goats.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Garage sale season!!!

My Mama loves garage sales. She found me a new sandbox(with a lid to keep out all the neighborhood cats) and a sit-n-spin.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Florida, the sunshine state.

Lily and I went to Florida this week. My good friend Jodie's parents live there so went along for the ride. Lily loves the beach. I love hearing her say beach. We just got back yesterday...enjoy.