Friday, October 19, 2007

Lily's new big girl bed!

Grandma & Grandpa these pics are for you. Lily loves her new bed. We have the bunk beds apart for now Lily+bunk bed=ER. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!

Nana & Papa's visit.

Nana & Papa came to visit in early Sept. We had so much fun. Going to the zoo, the park, shopping and just playing together. We love you Nana & Papa we miss you and can't wait for Christmas:)

Lily's latest accessory

What a beauty!
We discovered that Lily has an atigmatism and is far sighted. The eye Dr. recommends Lily to wear her glasses for reading, coloring, watching t.v..basically anything that requires her to see details. It has been harder on mommy than Lily. She will wear them all day if left on her face. All her friends now want a pair! How studious & intelligent. And we thought she couldn't get anymore beautiful...were we wrong.