Saturday, December 30, 2006

A tender Tennessee Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. My family came down from Canada and spent a week with us over Christmas. The missed seeing Trav's family in Seattle and extended family in Kelowna. To all of you...we love, miss you and can't wait till March!!!
The following are pictures taken while my fam was here. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

More pics...we need to make up for lost time.

We unfortunatly had to get a new dishwasher. Fortunatly, Lily got a great new playhouse out of the deal. She loves this box better than any toy. Merry Christmas sweetheart.

We call this look the southern bell beaufont.

We're back!!

We had thanksgiving American style with our amazing friends Brad & Angie England. Lily adorned her own apron to help with the dinner. She made sure Zoe the dog had her thanksgiving dinner. Lily this year and last year with the turkey. She's changed just a little bit.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Computer down

Hey sorry there have been no posts lately. Our computer is not functioning, hence the lack of updates. We are all doing well...can't wait for Christmas. Our tree is up and Lily is so far respecting it. She is wonderful and busy. It has been really warm here lately so we've been going to park as much as we can. Lil has been teething like crazy. SHe is cutting a new bottom tooth as well as her two top mollars. SHe has been doing exeptionally good with it. I am thankful. She is such a joy.
Travis is keeping really busy at work. He is the Installation Manager now..he loves his job and is so good at it.
Our good friend Julie took some family pics of us so I will try to get some of them posted on here ASACA. (As soon as computer allows)
Hope you all are well we love you,
Trav, Shelle & Lily

Monday, November 06, 2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Night

Mama with her little Giraffe.

We spent the eve with our amazing friends Brad & Angie, John, Meg & Jude. We are blessed with the greatest extended family.

Lily's first ride in a wagon.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lily is melting the hearts of Music City.

The last night that Grandma was here we went to eat at our all time favorite restraunt. We were waiting outside for it to open and this black car with tinted windows pulls up to the door. Out steps Naomi Judd. For those of you who don't who she is...she is the mother of Wynonna & Ashley Judd. Also a country music legend.
Trav was holding Lily and Naomi spots Lil. She went on about how beautiful Lily was and asked Trav if he would give Lily to her for $500. Needless to say Trav declined with "Lily is priceless."
Naomi laughed and went inside to get her take out Stoney River dinner. Ya never know what celebrity may offer $$$ for your beautiful child...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Asheville, North Carolina

Grandma came to visit from Seattle so we decided to be adventurous and take a road trip. We drove from home to Asheville North Carolina. We stopped at the beautiful Biltmore Estate. This home is the largest in the U.S. It was built by the Vanderbilt family in 1889, completed in 1895. This mansion has 250 rooms..we saw 50. It was breathtaking, there are little words to describe what we saw. The house has a bowling alley, swimming pool and gymnasium. It had all of today's ammenities as we do today. Pretty remarkable for when it was constructed. It houses priceless art work and wall threaded with 24k. gold leaf. I bet this house has nothing on the mansions that Jesus is preparing for us...what a thought.

Lily & Grandma having a picnic on the lawn.

Garden house

The beginnings of fall.

Road Trip with Grandma....

We had a blast on our road trip. Lily enjoyed the food, sights, animals and a cat nap or two. She is an amazing little traveller.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Puddles & Cuddles

Puddles on rainy days are the best.

I also love to hug my mama.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

My outdoor adventure

Climbing, exploring, rocks, dirt and crunchy leaves are Lily's favorites. The weather has finally started to feel more like fall. Therefore being outside is a wonderful experience.

Most outdoor adventures equal a bath and a manicure. This morning Lily was pretty clean after her playing, although she knew her next stop was target. A girl has to look good to go shopping.

Friday, September 08, 2006

More birthday pictures.....

Daddy praying over Lil.

We had a party for Lily with all the people that were with us the day she was born..
Lil with uncle Brad and Jude.
Lil and Jude