Hey guys...so sorry there have been no posts lately. Our computer is not functioning, hence the lack of updates. We are all doing well...can't wait for Christmas. Our tree is up and Lily is so far respecting it. She is wonderful and busy. It has been really warm here lately so we've been going to park as much as we can. Lil has been teething like crazy. SHe is cutting a new bottom tooth as well as her two top mollars. SHe has been doing exeptionally good with it. I am thankful. She is such a joy.
Travis is keeping really busy at work. He is the Installation Manager now..he loves his job and is so good at it.
Our good friend Julie took some family pics of us so I will try to get some of them posted on here ASACA. (As soon as computer allows)
Hope you all are well we love you,
Trav, Shelle & Lily