Saturday, October 07, 2006

Our duo citizen..

O Canada....


Anonymous said...

WHAT A BABE!!! I love the leaves, Lily!! You look good in the beautiful Red and White!!! Does this mean you filled out the paperwork for Lil? You may need to help me with it. Love you guys- enjoy mom next week!!

Graham, April & Ava said...

Hi, guys! We are thoroughly enjoying your blog site and watching little Lily grow up! She is so precious! It will be wonderful when we can get our little girls together one day!! They are so close in age...and I am sure that they would get along marvelously!! I was just curious (just because it is my job)...did you get Lily proof of her CDN citizenship (it's a card) from Canada Immigration? Because she is your child, Rashelle, and only the first generation born outside of Canada, she immediately became a CDN citizen at birth. HOWEVER, it is a good idea to get the card as proof! If you don't have the card yet, I can definitely mail you guys an application for you. Let me know!!

Anonymous said...

is she immediately a citizen of canada??? I have been told otherwise. I have some friends who are filing paper work so that their children can become cdn. citizens (even though they are...). Something I'd like to know for Jake.

Jillian said...

Hi guys! Oh lily you're so beautiful!! I just wanted to stop by and say HI!! I miss you guys- everyone misses you guys! i hope everything is well over there. I'm trying myself to make a blog for tyler and I so everyone can see all the hard work we've done- pray that I can find the time to set aside to make one! I love you all and miss you! give lily a big hug and kiss for us! talk to you soon!

Jaclyn said...

Shellie: Hey it's a blast from the past...its Jaclyn and mom told me about your blog and both you and tobi inspired me to start one of my own! Your little girl is so precious, you should be proud. Well check out mt blog and hope to hear from you and your family...