Thursday, March 29, 2007

March - Seattle

We had so much fun in Seattle. We saw lots of family and loved being at Uncle Tyler and Auntie Jill's wedding.

Our family

Jacob, Liv, Lily and me...what fun we had.

Auntie Kerri & Lils together again.

Lily with Great Grandpa & Grandma Lohman

Jacob & two peas in a pod.

Our first sight of Olivia Grace Kincaid, what a beauty!


Ramona said...

Hi, just so you know , I'm Kerri's other sister- from Manitoba... It looks and sounds like you had a lot of fun with Kerri, Dan, Jake and Livi! I'm sure you're missing them just like we are! Your little Lily is growing so much - what a beautiful girl. I love the pictures of her and Jacob dancing.
I enjoy looking at your blog and seeing Lily grow- too bad we both have to miss out on so much of Jacob and Livi's growing up...
Ramona Wiebe

Anonymous said...

Wow- That girl (Ramona) who wrote on your blog sounds like she comes from a very cool family. Haha.
We loved having you here.... Can't wait to hear about your trip, Shelle.